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Expert Cock Handler
Some people might see the name of the site and start thinking we went and made a website about someone's wife. They'd be absolutely correct! Look what years of experience does for these cock connoisseurs!

Caught Cheating
If you knew your wife had been sending email to another guy what would you do? Hide in the closet and catch her in the act? Before you get pissed you've got to at least enjoy the show.

I Do Means Do As I Say
Some guys get a prenuptial agreement to protect their assets, not Dave, his was all about using her assets. Before he married Courtney he made sure she agreed to fuck who, where and how he told her to. She loves being a good wife.


Happy Birthday
It was Charlie's birthday wish to get a stranger to pump her out. Tim told her that was all good as long as he was getting some strange himself for his birthday. Charlie wasted no time showing her slut skills.

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